The First Two Weeks 1-16 Aug 17
Few things have gone to plan so far but we move forward, learning more and more, becoming more familiar with the boat, 24 hour routines, and starting now to feel like we are really cruising (no pun intended).
In order to depart on our trip we needed to prepare the boat, our house, our other commitments and that left very little time to prepare ourselves. Linda has been a champion, juggling property management, end of financial year accounts, missing family and friends and finding her sea legs while I arranged for all of the works on the boat, business arrangements, boat registration, visas etc.
The Satellite tracker follows our travels, updating hourly, provided Steve remembers to turn it on, else it just picks up the next reading and draws a straight line there,. We didn't really go overland to Exmouth as the route shows.
The new Mainsail with new Livery conceived by Jessica and designed by Linda portraying the little women we leave behind and miss so much.
New Liferaft secured to deck with automatic release mechanism fitted
Alongside at Batavia Coast Marina Geraldton
Welcome visitors Shannon and Hilton
Weather again had its say as our departure from Geraldton was delayed by two days due to strong winds. We took the opportunity for some (unbudgeted) top up shopping with a new microwave and heater (testiment to ongoing WA winter and need to keep morale up) among other necessities (swimmers/bathers).
Having spent Tue and Wed en route to Geraldton we departed for Shark Bay on Sunday 6 Aug arriving 7 Aug to beautiful blue skies and calm waters with many whales frollicking and splashing as we entered the long South Passage entrance but were met with fresh forecasts for more strong winds (25-30 knots). After seeking advice via Shark Bay Volunteer Sea Rescue we battened down between Quoins Bluff South, a large rocky point on Dirk Hartog Island and Egg Island, covered with the evidence of many birds but little of it eggs. The delay gave us a chance to re-stow and secure our food supplies which had been laid out on a spare bed in the aft starboard cabin.
Underway, still rugged up but well sheltered inside new clear surrounds which not only sheltered us from the wind but amplified the sunshine.
Morale improving with warmer weather: time for some selfies.
A phone call to the wind generator supplier lead to replacement parts being mailed to Broome where they will await our arrival. With all the wind we had been having we had been getting nothing from the wind generator. Luckily, all of that motoring had been powering our needs and recharging our batteries supplemented by our solar panels.
Passing Ningaloo reef
As we approached Exmouth we listened to the drama of a boat adrift near sholes in the gulf. Luckily again the Volunteer Sea Rescue Service, this time from Exmouth were on the job and a rescue boat promptly despatched saved the anxious Mandurah family from a tragic holiday ending.
With all my might I could not push the boat our from the jetty. Horrified I thought that the depth may have been too shallow for us. I turned on the plotter to check the depth and called Linda on deck. I then noticed that the aft line to the jetty was extremely tight. That was funny as I was sure I had left plenty of slack. The large tide movement had dropped the boat so much that the line was so tight I could not release it to lay out more slack. Fearful of a catastrophe I had to cut the line to free us (that knife for emergencies paid its way). We then moved the boat to the floating pens of the marina and slept soundly for the night.
Well rested, we rose early on Monday 14 August for another overnight passage to Dampier. With an early morning departure and no winds we were treated to the most beautiful site as we departed Exmouth, again accompanied by numerous whales.
With a weather forecast foretelling of good sailing conditions after 12 hours of motoring we were disappointed to find following winds but without weight behind them so we again motored most of the way to Dampier. Just prior to arrival the auto pilot started playing up. Since we had been in some turbulent swell we thought that the sleeve holding the auto-pilot arm to the rudder shaft had slipped again, as it had done previously but not for a long time since we had it adjusted. This meant hand steering the last 8 hours in. Disappointing enough until an inspection of the arm found that it had catastrophically failed in two parts.
The people at HHBSC have been absolutely delightful and helpful. Lyn in the office had Ian who works at the club come out to our boat anchored in front of the club, view the damage and refer us to a local welder who collected the item and we await its return on Thursday.
This gives us some time to catch up on some washing, update this blog and complete some end of year accounts, all in a beautiful setting before planning how to tackle the remaining 400 nautical miles to Broome.
Relaxing in Dampier
Safely at anchor in Hampton Harbour, Dampier
In the dinghy on way to HHBSC
Hope they can fix the autopilot without too much trouble! Enjoy the sunshine up there :)